Effective Ways to Get Ready for Seasonal Changes when you have Psoriasis

Effective Ways to Get Ready for Seasonal Changes when you have Psoriasis

Living with psoriasis requires adapting to the ever-changing seasons, as each comes with its unique challenges for skin health. Whether it's the dryness of winter or the scorching heat of summer, effective psoriasis management demands a tailored approach. In this blog, we will explore the best strategies to prepare for seasonal changes and maintain skin well-being. 

Psoriasis, beyond its visible impact on the skin, significantly affects the quality of life for those grappling with this chronic autoimmune condition. The relentless cycle of flare-ups and remissions can lead to emotional distress, often linked to feelings of self-consciousness and diminished self-esteem. The visible nature of psoriasis lesions may result in social discomfort and isolation, further impacting mental well-being.

The constant vigilance is required during the changing seasons to manage symptoms, including adhering to skincare routines and treatment plans. Physical discomfort, such as itching and pain, can also contribute to sleep disturbances, impacting overall health. Beyond medical interventions, fostering a supportive environment, raising awareness, and promoting mental well-being are crucial aspects of addressing the multifaceted challenges posed by psoriasis.

Understanding Psoriasis and Seasonal Impact:

Psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune condition, manifests as red, scaly patches due to rapid skin cell turnover. Seasonal shifts can influence psoriasis symptoms severely. The cold, dry winter air can lead to increased dryness and flare-ups, while the intense summer sun might trigger irritation. Adapting to seasonal changes involves a personalized strategy, and incorporating Ayurvedic wisdom.

Controlling Psoriasis in Winter:

Hydration is Key: Combat winter dryness by staying well-hydrated. Use a moisturizer regularly to lock in moisture and prevent skin from becoming excessively dry.

Warm Baths, not hot: Soothing warm baths with added oils or colloidal oatmeal can alleviate dryness and itching. Avoid hot water, which can exacerbate skin dryness. While a hot shower may seem tempting, it can actually worsen psoriasis. Opt for warm showers and pat your skin dry to retain moisture.

Ayurvedic Oil for Psoriasis: Consider applying natural oils containing Bakuchi, Indrajava, Nimba, indigo, karanja, and turmeric oil, to nourish the skin and provide relief from psoriasis symptoms.

Layer Up with Breathable Fabrics: Dress in layers with breathable fabrics to regulate body temperature. Avoid heavy, irritating materials that can trigger psoriasis flare-ups.

Controlling Psoriasis in Summer:

Sun Protection: While sunlight can be beneficial, excessive sun exposure can trigger psoriasis flare-ups. Use sunscreen with a high SPF and protective clothing to shield your skin.

Stay Cool: Avoid overheating, which can worsen psoriasis. Keep your body temperature regulated through cool showers and breathable clothing.

Hydration Continues: Just as in winter, staying hydrated is crucial during the summer months. Drink plenty of water and use soothing natural oils to maintain skin hydration. 

Ayurvedic oils , with ingredients like Nimba known for their cooling and soothing effects on the skin can provide relief during summer.

Lifestyle and Psoriasis: 

A healthy lifestyle can play a significant role in managing and preventing psoriasis flare-ups. Regular exercise helps reduce stress, a common trigger for psoriasis, and promotes overall well-being. A balanced diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids, supports immune function and skin health. Adequate hydration is crucial to prevent dry skin, a common concern for individuals with psoriasis.

Additionally, avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol intake can positively impact psoriasis. Both smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are linked to an increased risk of developing psoriasis and may exacerbate existing symptoms. Stress management techniques, including mindfulness and relaxation exercises, can also contribute to psoriasis management. Embracing a holistic approach to lifestyle choices not only aids in symptom control but enhances the overall quality of life for individuals living with psoriasis. Consulting with healthcare professionals and incorporating these lifestyle modifications into a comprehensive treatment plan can significantly improve the well-being of those managing psoriasis.

Introducing Nisarga Herb's Sorozema Oil: 

For year-round psoriasis care, Nisarga Herb's Sorozema Oil is the best ayurvedic oil for Psoriasis. Crafted using patented extraction technology and featuring Ayurvedic herbs like Bakuchi, Indrajava, Nimba, indigo, karanja, and turmeric oil, Sorozema Oil is a safe and side-effect-free solution. Its unique formulation aims to soothe irritated skin, reduce inflammation, and nourish the skin barrier.

Can Sorozema Oil be used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?

Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should consult with their healthcare provider before using Sorozema Oil to ensure its suitability during these stages.


Adapting to seasonal changes when managing psoriasis requires a comprehensive approach. Whether it's combating winter dryness or safeguarding against summer sun exposure, incorporating effective strategies is essential. Nisarga Herb's Sorozema Oil, with its Ayurvedic formulation, emerges as a versatile and natural solution for year-round psoriasis care. By combining these strategies with a tailored skincare routine, individuals with psoriasis can navigate seasonal changes with resilience and well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1. Is Sorozema Oil suitable for all skin types?

Yes, Sorozema Oil is formulated to be safe and effective for all skin types, providing relief for individuals with psoriasis.

Q2. How often should Sorozema Oil be applied?

Apply Sorozema Oil twice a day for optimal results. However, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.

Q3. Can Sorozema Oil be used in combination with other psoriasis treatments?

Yes, Sorozema Oil can be used alongside other psoriasis treatments. Consult with your healthcare provider to ensure compatibility with your existing regimen.

Q4. Are there any known side effects of using Sorozema Oil?

No, Sorozema Oil is made from natural herbal extracts and is designed to be safe for regular use, without reported side effects.

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Dr. Arati Soman

Dr. Arati Soman is a seasoned Ayurvedic physician and Head Formulator at Nisarga Herbs. Driven by a deep passion for Ayurveda and vast expertise, she has been instrumental in formulating medicines, diagnostic procedures, and innovative Ayurvedic treatments that are trusted globally.