Ayurveda's View on Psoriasis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Ayurveda's View on Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder mainly affecting the skin and joint. The prevalence in India is about 0.44 – 2.8 percent. Psoriasis in males is twice as common than in females. Various sites of the body such as scalp, Face, Trunk, Limbs, Palm and Soles are involved in Psoriasis.

In Ayurvedic literature Kitibha is compared and accepted with Psoriasis of Modern Medical diagnosis. Psoriasis (Kitibha) is a well known disease in Ayurveda from the time immemorial. A clear disease description is available in Charaka samhita. This disease description along with its pathogenesis, treatment etc. are well defined in Ayurveda.

As per Ayurveda, Kitibha (psoriasis) is one of the varieties of eleven kshudra kustha (comparatively less harmful, easily treated obstinate diseases of skin).

‘’श्यावं किणखरस्पर्श परुषं किटिमं स्मृतम् |’’ (Charaka Kushta Chikitsa)

The Dosha (body humors) involved in this disease are Vata and Kapha.  The clinical features are Shavam (Blackish brown discoloration of skin), Kinakharasparsh (affected skin will be rough to touch like the scar tissue), Parusha (hard to touch).

Causes of Psoriasis according to ayurveda are Intake of mutually contradictory food like fish and milk, intake of unctuous and heavy drinks, suppression of natural urges like vomiting, sleep, thirst etc. Physical exercise in excess heat climate or after taking heavy meal, Intake of cold water immediately after exposing to scorching sun, intake of uncooked food and food before the previous meal is digested; Excess intake of foods fresh grains, curd, fish, salt and sore substances; excess intake of pastry, milk, jaggery, sexual act in the state of indigestion, day sleep, performing sinful acts etc. are the causes. As a common law of Nidanaparivarjan (abstinence of aetiological factors) these aetiological factors can also be considered as triggering factors/ preventive measures and to be avoided in the course of treatment.

Based on involvement and range of vitiation of body humors Ayurvedic treatment can be planned with various range of external applications, internal medications or with panchakarma procedures.

Sorozema Massage Oil by NISARGA HERBS is herbal formulation with ingredients like kutaj leaves extract (Holarrhena Antidysenterica) it causes amapachan of rasagata doshas and useful as a blood purifier.the active constituent Karajin possess antibacterial properties and also have germicidal and antipruritic property.

Bakuchi (Psorolea corylifolia) absorbs kleda due to tikta, katu rasa and ruksha and ushana guna and thus it eradicates kitibha (Psoriasis) and secretes healthy Pitta. Local applications stimulate melanin formation due to psoralin and isopsoralin contained in the oil. 

Nimba extract (Azedirecta indica) is Dhashamaka (subsides burning sensation) due to its Tikta and sheeta guna It absorbs Rasagata pitta and thereby reduces daha(burning sensation).

Coconut Oil also act as dahashamaka (subsides burning sensation) and varnya (Restoring and retaining the natural texture and tone of skin) by its attributes

Tila tail (sesamum indicum) oil contains antibacterial properties and good anti-inflammatory properties.

Karanja oil (Pongamia Glabra) purifies blood due to tikta rasa and absorbs kleda and purifies Dhatu. It acts as a germicidal good for healing and acts as an analgesic.

Turmeric oil (curcuma longa) eliminates kapha dosha and hence reduces the kleda and kandu(itching). It is a powerful anti-inflammatory drug.

For complete relief purification procedures are also indicated. For all the skin diseases it is advised to perform Vaman (emesis), Virechana (purgation), and Raktamokashan (bloodletting). It is also said to decide the Panchakarma procedure based on the vitiated doṣha.

Normal diet is indicated in psoriasis (kitibha)

Sour, salty, heat producing items like pepper etc. Curd, milk, jaggery, meat of marshy animals, sesame seeds, black gram are to be avoided.

Old rice, barley, green gram, bitter vegetables and meat of wild animals are wholesome. 

Ayurveda is believed to be the oldest medical science of human civilization. It is more clearly the science of life that transcends the mere treatment of disease and embraces a wide array of principles which deals with each individual. Postulations proposed by Acharyas of Ayurveda are of perennial relevance and hold good value even today. The objective of Ayurveda is the protection of health of a healthy individual and the alleviation of disease of a patient.

Here is a glimpse into the relief that Nisarga Herbs’ Sorozema Oil brings to its users. Formulated by experts, our Sorozema oil has shown exceptional results in its users. sorozema oil results after 60 days
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Dr. Arati Soman

Dr. Arati Soman is a seasoned Ayurvedic physician and Head Formulator at Nisarga Herbs. Driven by a deep passion for Ayurveda and vast expertise, she has been instrumental in formulating medicines, diagnostic procedures, and innovative Ayurvedic treatments that are trusted globally.