Dehydrated skin or rough skin is caused when the water content in the body is reduced. lack of enough water in the body can affect your skin and makes skin itchy, dry and also dull looking. Dry skin reveals fine...
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Every season changes the environment around us and these external changes in the surroundings can have a deep impact on our body’s internal system. On a daily basis, we are constantly exposed to potentially harmful microbes of all sorts. We...
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DIET is one of the vital aspects of life and provides several health benefits especially when consumed in proper manner. The food consumed in appropriate manner helps to balances doshas, dhatus and Agni. Ayurveda’s concept of Ahara vidhi visheshayatana are...
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By promotion of healthy living habits and careful selection of products that have enough scientific evidence, today we can contribute for the improvement of immunity. By energizing the inherent immune system mechanisms, we can reduce the risk of recurrent infections.
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What if we told you it’s ok not to be ok? It is one thing to contemplate the situation and another to actually go through it. A cosmopolitan traveler or a philosopher would first beg to define “OK”. So what exactly is it? Being “OK” in the eyes of society is following the norms laid by it. From going to work every day and greeting your co-workers to socialising with friends and neighbours regularly, it is everything the society deems ‘normal’. If you fall in line and follow the norms, you are ok.
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